Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Scientific Method free essay sample

Based on the information in Table 2, the patterns I observed were that were 2ppm of Dissolved Oxygen added each time and there was 1 fish less than the amount of Dissolved Oxygen, then 4 fish less, then 3 fish less, then 4 fish less, than 5 fish less. I think that the fish can handle the amount of Dissolved Oxygen to an extent then the population falls, but then starts to build back up. I also think that if the population is a bigger number than the amount of Dissolved Oxygen, the population of fish will fall. 2. Hypothesis: If the amount of fish in a lake is higher than the amount of Dissolved Oxygen, then the population of the fish will fall and the fish will die. 3. My experimental approach for this hypothesis would be to put gradually increase the amount of Dissolved Oxygen as well as increasing the amount of fish in the lake until the amount of fish is higher than the amount of Dissolved Oxygen to see if the population of the fish will still increase or if it will decrease. The switch seems to be operating judging by feel and sound of the clicking noise as the switch is operated. I look up and do indeed see a bulb screwed into the light fixtured. It appears that the light should come on when the switch is activated. The third part of the scientific method would be to state a hypothesis: If I replace the light bulb with a new one, then the light should come on. I then acquire a new bulb from the pantry and attempt to execute my expierement. The new bulb also did not come on when the switch was activated. Since I have replaced the old bulb with a known new and operational bulb, I know the bulb is not the problem.Since my hypothesis did not appear to be true, I must come up with another: If I replace the switch, then the light should come on. At this point, I know that electricity is flowing into the structure and there is an operationally known bulb now in the fixture. The only variable could be the switch which is responsible for interrupting the current flow in order to control the light. I proceed to replace the switch and after it is replaced, viola, the light comes on. My second hypothesis was true and the switch was the problem to the dark entry.The next problem is a problem that the scientific method can be applied to and that we all can relate to: ? The car will not start when the key is turned. The scientific method indicates that one must first state the problem which is that nothing happens when the ignition key is turned in order to crank the car. Upon opservations, none of the interior lights of the car are coming on either. The car does make a clicking sound when the key is turned which indicates that there is some electricity in the battery.A hypothesis: If I replace the battery in the car, then the engine should rotate and start. After executing the hypothesis and replacing the battery, the engine does start and runs. The engine runs form quite some time but then dies and the same problems as stated in the observations appear again. Since the battery is now know to be good, we know that this is not the problem. Upon further research, the recharging system in the car could be bad and is not recharging the battery.A new hypothesis: If I replace the alternator, then the battery should stay charged and the car should always start right up. After the battery has been charged and the alternator has been changed, the car starts up and runs as well as the battery showing signs of being recharged. These two examples of the scientific method show that the method is used to continuously dissect situations until the correct problem or observation is noticed and can be addressed by the person using the method.The scientific method is still used today by many scientists. To say we can live without science is to say we can live without air to breath. Science embodies everything we humans come in contact with everyday of our lives. Most of us go through our daily lives and do not pay any attention to science but it is still always there. The following is a typical day in my life and the science that I come in contact with.

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